Microsoft Teams


Our Microsoft Teams integration allows you to add and share interactive wireframes, designs and prototypes to channels inside in Teams in a few easy clicks.

If you are a Microsoft Office 365 user it's a great way to share your work with your design and development team right where you work.

Our Teams add-on allows you or another team to quickly add prototypes to your Channel and allow your team members to give feedback within your Teams application and easily find projects you are currently working on.

When you add your project or prototype you will be able to access it as a tab within a channel.

The interactive prototype will be available for all other users in that channel so your team can quickly find and access work and move projects forward together.

You will also be able to use our Handoff feature giving your developers access to automatically create design specs for developers and save your team hours of manual work


How to Install on Microsoft teams

  1. Login to your Microsoft Teams account
  2. Navigate to the Store using the icon on the bottom left
  3. Search for Marvel and click the card to Install
  4. Choose a team to add it to using the 'Add to a team' dropdown
  5. Click install
  6. Once you install you have the option to pin a project in a subsequent screen

How to pin a project to a channel

  1. Once you have installed teams you can add your first project to a channel using the + icon at the top of your chat window
  2. Choose the Marvel tab icon on the "Add a tab" modal that appears
  3. In the configuration window you should see a list of projects appear in a drop down list.
  4. Choose a project from this dropdown list and click the "Save" button.
  5. Once you have added a tab you will see the project play and give you the option to interact and navigate your prototype and designs.


How to access your personal projects

You can also view your own projects within teams by accessing your Personal tab.

  1. To do this use the search bar at the top of Teams and search for Marvel. Alternatively in the side menu use the three dots (...) to open up all of your installed applications and choose Marvel.
  2. Once you've clicked the Marvel icon you should see a tab load listing all of your projects. You can view prototypes from here, copy links, or administrate your pinned tabs by accessing all your recent or all tabs.


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