What devices and browsers support User Testing?

Note: As of 25 July 2022, Marvel User Testing has been sunsetted on Marvel Free plans. New user tests can no longer be created on Free plans. A new, more feature-rich user-testing tool is now available at Ballpark, the fastest way to capture high-quality feedback on questions, marketing copy, designs and Figma prototypes using tasks and video.

Below is a list of common browsers that are used to access User Tests:

Browser Create user test Record user test Record face/sound Play prototype
Chrome Y Y Y Y
Safari Y Y N Y
Firefox Y Y Y Y
Opera Y Y Y Y
Edge Y Y N Y
IE 11 N Y N Y
IE 10 N N N Y
Safari mobile iOS N N N Y
Chrome mobile iOS N N N Y
Chrome mobile Android N Y Y Y


Please note: Any user tests created with Figma will not be accessible on mobile devices, or with Firefox on Desktops.

Minimum requirements for these user tests are as follows:
  • Chrome 72+
  • Safari 13+
  • Edge 79+
  • Opera 60+

If you're having any issues with our User Testing feature, please feel free to take a look at our Troubleshooting help article or reach out to The Support Team

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