How do I add an app icon to my mobile prototype?

One of the most popular features of Marvel is the ability to add app icons to prototypes with a mobile frame. App icons appear when prototypes are installed onto the homescreen of your Android or iOS device and provide a more realistic experience.

Once the app icon is installed to a homescreen, it can launch the prototype with one tap, just like an app.


How to add your app icon

  1. Open any iPhone, iPad or Android project
  2. Clicking on the Settings icon (gear icon)
  3. Click the + icon to add your app icon


How to view your app icon on your iOS device:

  1. Open your prototype URL on your iOS device
  2. Tap the menu icon in Safari
  3. Select Add to home screen


How to view your app icon on your Android device:

  1. Open your prototype URL on your Android device
  2. Tap the menu icon in Chrome
  3. Select Add to home screen


Remove the 'add to home screen' prompt 

You can remove the 'Add to homescreen' pop-up message on mobile and tablet devices by adding ?iosapp=true at the end of the share URL.

For example: would be



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